TOMPLA Corporation (President: Takashi Fujimoto, Head Office: Chuo-ku, Niigata City, hereinafter referred to as "TOMPLA")
We are pleased to announce that we have entered into a business partnership with Keisoku Kensetsu Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Toshihiro Sakamoto, Head Office: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as "Kisei Kensetsu") regarding inspections using drones.
Utilizing the narrow space inspection drone developed by Tonpla, we will improve the efficiency of inspection work on various infrastructure structures and plants in the Kyushu area, contributing to the maintenance and management of structures.
Keisoku Kensetsu is a company that comprehensively assesses the safety of various infrastructure structures, plants, and other machinery and equipment facilities in the Kyushu area. We proactively incorporate new technologies to solve problems in the maintenance and management of all structures, including non-destructive flaw detection, durability measurement, and measurement and investigation using images and lasers.
Going forward, we will continue to create new use cases for drone inspections, develop new aircraft, and provide services that make the use of drones and robotics commonplace, aiming to further improve the efficiency of inspection work.